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Stories shape children
Children Save the World


Imagine a world without wars.

A utopia?

But possible.
And a big task.

But every big change begins with small steps.

And maybe together we can make a small contribution.


Our children are our future

How we talk to our children shapes how they see the world – full of hope or full of doubt.

Stories create connections

Stories are more than words. They are bridges that create closeness and convey values.
Small Actions, Big Impact

It doesn't need to be a big gesture. A simple story in the evening can change a child's world.


Stories are key - they connect us with our children and with each other. Find out how your own stories can help pass on hope and values.

Your words, their world: Create magical moments for your child

Making up your own stories sounds difficult? But it's easier than you think - and incredibly rewarding. I tried it with my children - and it enriched my life!

Positive Messages Before Sleeping

A story in the evening creates closeness and gives your child positive, calming thoughts – perfect for ending the day peacefully

Bringing memories to life

Narrated stories become magical when they are based on real experiences. They connect the past and the present - and create a vivid, emotional experience.

conveying dreams and values

Stories are the key to passing on values such as courage, kindness and hope to the next generation – and making dreams come alive


Discover how to create unforgettable moments with simple stories!

Why this e-book?

As a father of three, I have experienced how telling stories not only makes my children's eyes light up, but also creates deep moments of closeness. In this e-book, I share my personal experiences and give you easy-to-implement tips

This is what awaits you:

• The power of stories:

Find out how stories can positively influence your child's development and enrich your family life.

• Step-by-step instructions:

Learn how to create your own stories that will delight your child, without any prior knowledge.

• Personal examples:

Be inspired by tried and tested stories that have created magical moments in my family.

Why it's worth it:

Stories are more than just words - they are bridges between hearts, encourage creative thinking and convey important values. This PDF gives you the tools to give your child valuable memories and positive impulses.

Thank you for your appreciation

This project is being created with a lot of love, time and commitment - in addition to my everyday life and my family. I have invested many hours to create content that inspires and offers added value. If you like these ideas, if they enrich you or make your everyday life more beautiful, I would be delighted to receive your recognition.

Your support will help:

To further develop the website and provide new content for parents and children.

To spread the idea and reach even more people.

PayPal – Donate easily and securely:

With PayPal you can donate quickly and easily. Your data is secure and will not be shared.

Coinbase – anonymous and flexible:

Support the project discreetly with cryptocurrencies – quickly, securely and without providing personal data.

By bank transfer:

Tried and tested by bank transfer.

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If you would like to give something back to me, I would be happy about your appreciation – so I can continue to put time and energy into this project.



Become part of a global movement

Mark your location and show that you stand for peace and hope. Together we can make a global network visible - a connection of people who believe in a better world and want to be role models for their children.

Share the idea – together we can achieve more!

The world needs more people who believe in hope and connection. Help us spread this message by sharing the page. Everyone who joins makes the network stronger and more visible. Together we can show how many people are ready to stand up for a better future. Whether it's family, friends or colleagues - reach out to those who could share this idea!



My name is Carlo Maria

As a father of three children, I have experienced first-hand how powerful stories can be. They have not only fueled my children's imaginations, but also strengthened our family bonds. These experiences inspired me to create WeHaveADream.

I firmly believe that the key to peace lies in our children. But I am also aware that I speak from a privileged position. My country has not been ravaged by war. I have not had to carry relatives out of bombed-out houses. I have not had to forgive anyone who has caused me or my family unimaginable suffering. That is why I do not speak condescendingly, but out of compassion for all those who have had to or are having to experience exactly this reality. My wish is to sow hope through stories - not as a naive idea, but as a small contribution to a more peaceful future.

With this project I want to encourage parents to tell their own stories and pass on hope and values to their children. I believe that by sharing stories we can create a more positive and connected world.

If you would like to learn more about my journey and the creation of this project, I invite you to read my personal blog and social media posts or contact me directly.

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